There are many ways you can be supported to move towards the life that is best for you. Here are some resources that help you through.
It can be confusing trying to understand just what your rights are as well as what paperwork and forms you need to complete. To make it a bit easier, we've included links to some resources below we thought might help.
Ways you can stay safe from Family Violence
Apply for a Protection Order
Conditions of a Protection Order
Free safety services
The CAB try to help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes, provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action, and work for positive social change within communities and wider society.
They provide a free and independent service to all.
Legal problems can be serious and frightening, and for many people, lawyers are completely unaffordable. But everyone has the right to high-quality legal help – that’s where Community Law comes in. Whether you’re struggling to keep or share your kids, finding it hard to handle WINZ, fines or debt, facing criminal charges, or dealing with a different kind of legal problem, often the first and most important step is to ask for help.
We provide information on your rights and responsibilities as a landlord, tenant or unit title owner. Tenancy Services is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Our work supports MBIE’s goal to grow New Zealand for all. This is echoed in the Ministry’s Māori identity, Hīkina Whakatutuki. This broadly means ‘lifting to make successful’.
Upper Hutt Housing Trust helps people find appropriate, affordable accommodation. Most residents are helped with “emergency accommodation” to support them through stressful times and until they are ready to move into independent housing.
Some of the people who walk through the front doors of Salvation Army centres have been living on the street, in prison, or in short-term accommodation that's no longer available. You may have fallen through society's cracks, but we can provide a safety net. If you need shelter and help to get your life back on track please contact us directly. We will do our best to help you with your integration back into the community.
Addiction Services - As Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge does not provide addiction services please refer to CareNZ. CareNZ offer people with addiction – and those who love them – a wide range of services and interventions to make significant changes in their lives. Don’t be afraid to take the first step and make contact with – it can make all the difference.
Mental Health Services - As Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge does not provide addiction services please refer to Te Haika. Te Haika is a mental health and addictions contact centre for people in crisis or experiencing moderate to severe mental health or addiction problems. It is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by mental health and addiction professionals. Our service is for everyone from Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, the Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa.
The Lower Hutt Women’s Centre provides support, encouragement and education in a safe environment for women. A primary aim of the Centre is to provide a good environment for communication and relationship development. Communication and human connection is a key factor in growth and development, support and education services and in women, developing good relationships with family, children and the wider community.
The Upper Hutt Women's Centre is here to provide and maintain a Centre which promotes and encourages development and empowerment for all women in an educative and supportive environment.
Kaibosh Food Rescue works to reduce food poverty and food waste in Wellington, the Hutt Valley, Kāpiti and Horowhenua. They link the food industry with charities and community groups supporting people in need, ensuring that quality surplus food reaches those who are struggling rather than being needlessly discarded.